Friday, November 20, 2009

'Til Death

A hypothetical story in which a wife suffering ADHD seeks revenge against her wayward husband.

Polly: a feathered tale

Polly is a hypothetical story about an elderly man who adopts a cockatoo to help him recover from the loss of his wife of 50 years. The bird has a health condition in which it sheds it's feathers and they share the experience of ageing, baldness and Macgyver together.

Ghosts of Hiroshima

A cover for a hypothetical story.
The Japanese souls that perished in the 1945 Hiroshima bombing seek revenge on every American tourist that visits the region.

Fire and Ice

No idea here, just messing around and created this.

Christian-Return to Africa

A hypothetical cover for a true to life story I imagine to be of Christian the Lion's life in Africa.